Occhio alla pillola / Birth Control Pills Safety

I rischi delle pillole anticoncezionali Le chiamano “pillole leggere”, “moderne”, di “quarta generazione”. Non farebbero ingrassare e curerebbero persino l’acne. Ma è proprio vero? In settembre in Svizzera è morta una ragazza colpita da un’embolia polmonare dopo 10 mesi di assunzione del contraccettivo. In maggio un altro caso aveva scosso l’opinione pubblica, quello di Celine, Read more about Occhio alla pillola / Birth Control Pills Safety[…]

Tamiflu. A Pandemic Business

It was supposed to save us all from the pandemics. The Cochrane Collaboration and BMJ have discovered that Tamiflu is far from being effective and bear important side effects. The Tamiflu Saga in a 56 Minutes long investigative documentary shot in Japan, Italy, UK and Switzerland.

La “bionda” elettronica / The Electronic Cigarette

Everything you always wished to know and never dared asking about the electronic cigarette. From its chinese inventor to the business of e-cig aromas, did you know that most of users are heavy smokers trying to quit? An investigative documentary to demistify media reports and public health authorities bizarre assessment.

Scaduto! Davvero? / Expired! Really?

Can we trust the expiry dates? Not really. Most of them are rather conservative – as soon it’s manifactured, contains sugar or chemical substances, your canned food might well be fine to be eaten years after that stamp on the package. Also yogurt, experts know it: it’s absolutely safe weeks longer then stamped. And what about drugs? The US Army knows it well, some of them are safe and effective even after 20 years.
Investigative reportage on the mysteries of shelf life. In Italian.

Investigative journalists meet in Geneva

A regional conference has brought to Geneva ethics and standards in investigative journalism. Best practices and tools to learn, with the first rule being: hands-on. An article in Italian for EJO the European Journalism Observatory.
Si impara ‘mettendoci le mani’ e si insegna partendo dall’esperienza come professionisti del mestiere. A Ginevra una conferenza porta alla ribalta esperienze innovative nel giornalismo d’inchiesta europeo.