Rubrica semi-seria di mediazione culturale

I grew up in Rome and with 28 I moved to Bern     Basically, I jumped from a 5 million to a 125’000 … European capital     What could possibly go wrong when you do such a thing?     My columns for – in Italian    

Small Country, Big Brother

I published on the magazine Area, in Italian, a few articles on surveillance and digital security, self-defense. The rather depressing occasion for some of these publications were two major changes in the Swiss legislation that effectively make of such a tiny country a comfortable home for Big Brother.


Cannabis goes legal in Switzerland for a scientific project

I published an article on the Swiss-Italian magazine Area on the amazing story of an experiment that might soon make Cannabis legal in Switzerland. The project was first born in Geneva, issued of a group putting around the table most of the political parties to exchange views about the bigger picture of security issues. The Read more about Cannabis goes legal in Switzerland for a scientific project[…]

The Adonis Complex – a Body Obsession

Adonis. From compulsive weightlifting to steroid use, from eating disorders to disruptions of social and professional life. A relatively new disorder strikes men living in the wealthy side of the planet. An article in Italian. La chiamano bigoressia o vigoressia, complesso di Adone e “anoressia al contrario”. È una malattia che colpisce quasi solo uomini della parte Read more about The Adonis Complex – a Body Obsession[…]

A platform for transparency at the Swiss Parliament

Lobbywatch is a no profit project by a bunch of journalists and IT experts. The goal: mapping the potential conflicts of interest at the Swiss Parliament. Born one year ago, this website have already achieved impressive results. A continuously updated database, smart visualisation tools and articles about specific cases are available here: An article in Italian. Read more about A platform for transparency at the Swiss Parliament[…]