Ricchi e sani. Ci pensa AGEL

A TV story, in Italian, about the dubious business of AGEL, a multilevel marketing company accused to be after all just one more scam belonging to the snowball systems also called pyramidal systems. Un amico ti propone un business facile. Poche ore di lavoro a settimana, in tutta libertà, e grandi prospettive di guadagno. Persone simpatiche ti insegneranno come si fa. Poi, non ti resta che consumare ogni giorno delle comode bustine di integratori alimentari e convincere famiglia e amici a fare lo stesso. Tutta salute, no? Se ti impegni, l’azienda ti promette “cifre a sei zeri”.

Malata e abbandonata

Switzerland has a strong social state and its health system is rated among the top ten in the world. Still, everything can go wrong in Cheesland too. Francesca Rüedi Cristofaro, a cancer patient, wrote to TV because of her difficult situation, a weird chain of kafquesques events highlighting incompetency and some cynicism by institutions and doctors. Francesca Rüedi Cristofaro ha scritto a Patti chiari per denunciare la sua storia, un incredibile caso di abbandono e malasanità in salsa svizzera che chiama in causa servizi sociali, medici, ospedali e assistenza domiciliare.

Thailand Swiss Village

In 2006 I traveled to Thailand with the journalist Eva Pedrelli to film a documentary in Ban Jan Swiss, a village in the north of the country where, according to a research published by a Thai university, only because of an amazing social phenomena, it had happened that almost every woman of the village was married to a Swiss. Indeed very Swiss names were on every door and stunning Villas all over the place. Our documentary was broadcast by Falò RSI in 2007.

Speranza e affari

The new cancer drugs are called intelligent and they bring hope to patients and families. Most of them, though, come to the market after a short testing process and their stellar costs do not match their often poor efficacy profile. La beffa dei nuovi farmaci oncologici: costano un capitale e spesso prolungano la vita di appena pochi giorni.